How to cancel a Picsart subscription?

How to cancel a Picsart subscription?

If you use the PicsArt app, you may wonder how to cancel your subscription. We have written this article for you to solve this problem. If you use PicsArt on any device, the article will guide you accordingly. Through this process, you can ensure you don’t want to use it anymore.

Cancelling your subscription on Mobile

Deleting the PicsArt app will not cancel your subscription.

Follow these steps to cancel your subscription:

  • Click the icon navigation bar.
  • Select the …… and then Settings.
  • Scroll down to Subscription. The app will redirect you to the store.
  • Click and cancel your subscriptions.

When you cancel subscriptions, make sure you have the same login email.

Cancelling your subscription on WEB

To cancel a subscription from the website:

  • Go to
  • Log in to the account.
  • Click on Profile
  • Go to Settings and click on Cancel Subscription in Billing.

Picsart Subscription Plans

Picsart App PlanMonthlyYearly
Picsart (Free)$0/mo$0/mo
Picsart Plus$13/mo$5/mo ($60 billed yearly)
Picsart Pro$15/mo$7/mo ($84 billed yearly)


Canceling a Picsart subscription is simple whether you’re using the mobile app or the website. By following the steps provided, you can ensure that your subscription is canceled smoothly and you will no longer be billed. Remember, deleting the app alone will not cancel your subscription. Always make sure to cancel through the subscription settings to avoid any future charges.


No, deleting the app will not cancel your subscription.

You can cancel your subscription by logging in on the Picsart website.

Yes, you must use the same email that you used to subscribe.

No, there are no cancellation fees for canceling your Picsart subscription.

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